Happy Daylight Saving
In case you haven't realised, Western Australia introduced daylight saving today.
This brings us inline with the rest of Australia (except Queensland and The Northern Territory), meaning we are only 2 hours behind Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales, 1.5 hours behind South Australia, 1 hour behind Queensland and 30 minutes behind The Northern Territory.
The benefit is that those calling us from interstate or overseas can now do so earlier in the morning as our phones are automagically released from nightmode at 8am local time.
Of course, some people say the WA doesn't need daylight saving, as the state's sunset is already quite late. In fact, Sydney's longitude is about 151E, whilst Perth's is 115E, a difference of 36 degrees. All other things being equal, if the two cities were 30 degrees apart, then a 2 hour time difference would mean the sun would set at the exact same time. However, the extra six degrees means that Perth already gets late sunsets.
Anyway, below is a picture taken at 8PM today. As you can see, it is still quite light.

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